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Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Ugh. Air travel seems to bring out the worst in people. Have you ever seen that show "Airline"? I can't take it because the passengers are so freaking deluded and/or drunk. Hope you enjoy your visit in Beantown!

I just hate how mean people are to airline workers. They are SO underpaid. I feel that way about everyone in the service industry, actually.

Like, you'd never huffily say "DELTA SERVICE COUNTER" to your boss, your lawyer or your doctor, right? Show some respect.

Oh, that was so right on, about the huffy, cocky business person who can't even manage to form an entire sentence. I hate that so much, but encounter it quite often. Do you ever wonder what these rude people were like as kids? I do, all the time.

I'm so sorry you had to be on the bitch flight. Seriously though, that dude with the paisley bag should have thought twice.

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