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Monday, November 19, 2007


That was pretty hilare- I love how the guy on the right was off beat quite often.

Wow. I have no words.

Hee. Cute! I did one of those elfyourself things last year. I was quite amused by it. There is something funny about seeing your head on a dancing body that isn't yours.

thank you for killing any hope of productivity i was going to have at work this week....that elf site is AWESOME!

haha...that's hilarious.

I work right near Rockefeller Center which is like the Sunni Triangle of Christmas shopping / tourism awfulness: Saks Fifth Avenue's obnoxious display, the Rockettes and the big Christmas Tree / ice rink.

I do not step foot in that terrible land between Thanksgiving and New Year's.

Yeah, boo to holiday shopping. After the year an old lady elbowed me in the jaw in Macy's for a coat I declared myself on permanent hiatus from Christmas.

Nice moves.

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