When I first heard about the TV strike, I was all "whatever. How long can that last? We peoples need love our TV, they will find a way to work it out." I was even a bit relieved, because dudes. The fall lineup was killing me.
So, the strike happened. We caught up on everything in the Tivo cache. The strike continued. I watched all of Seasons 1 and 2 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on DVD. The strike continued. I cleaned my house, did all the laundry, made a new lasagna recipe, organized the litterbox room office, cleaned the house again, SCRUBBED THE OVEN. The strike continued.
And so when Joel set the Tivo to record Tin Man, a SciFi Channel miniseries about the Wizard of Oz, I did not even protest. I mean, what else am I going to do? I've already cleaned out the fridge and sanitized the carpets. Bring it on. Sigh.
Here's the surprising part: I am sort of in love with it. I think that this officially makes me a sci-fi geek, if you also take into account that a few months ago Joel started watching this strange movie called Highlander, which apparently everyone in the world (except for me!) heard about in 1991. I made fun of him, made fun of the Highlander's very badass coat, made fun of science fiction in general... and then Joel went to bed and I said, "um.... I'll be up soon. I just have to finish this, uh, very important thing I am doing here on the computer. It might take awhile. Oh, no, leave the TV on...you know, just for background noise." Also, I am still watching Moonlight, GOD KNOWS WHY, since it is painfully, horribly bad. I just can't quit you, Mick St. John.
Also, I might sorta kinda love like Battlestar Galactica now. "Frack" still annoys the living shit out of me, but the show... it is sort of awesome good.
So, Tin Man. Anyone else watching? I haven't seen Episode Three yet, so no spoilers. We have to ration this last part out for at least three nights, otherwise we might actually have to turn off the TV and, like, talk to each other or something.
Just for the record, I still think Star Trek is boring.
I have a friend/acquaintence who was at our house one nite. For some reason we got onto the subject of the old Battlestar Gallactica. He offered to let husband and I borrow his copies of it. We chuckled and said we don't get into that kind of stuff really, but thanks. He continued to press and we continued to thanks but no thanks him.
The next day at work he emailed me - I finished up that set of Battlestar Gallactica that I was telling you about. Want me to bring it in?
I attempted to ignore the email, but he came by my desk and asked if we wanted it again! I went on to tell him (again) that we weren't into it. He got really defensive about us not wanting it and I said, I think we were trying to be polite about your series but we aren't really into it.
He looks at me and straight up says, well I don't call it polite. I guess the LastName Family is just a bunch of liars.
He then continued to be mad at me for probably two weeks. I decided that it probably wasn't meant to be that we were friends.
I think that has kind of soured Battlestar Gallactica for me.
Posted by: Stephanie | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 10:05 AM
Oh my lord, do I love Battlestar Galactica. I love it with the fire of a thousand suns. We watched four episodes last night, in a row.
I couldn't get into Tinman, though. I tried. It's that damn Zooey Deschanel.
Posted by: nancypearlwannabe | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 10:18 AM
Stephanie - I think you should tell this dude to go frack himself.
NPW - So say we all! Zooey annoys me too, but I am so in love with Clare from 90210 - I mean, Azkadellia - that I can overlook it.
Posted by: Operation Pink Herring | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 10:19 AM
I have been watching Tin Man -- we are a bit behind bc we Tivo'ed it...but we LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
Posted by: PstLyfDiva | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 10:40 AM
We recorded Tin Man, but since we're still catching up on the past 3 weeks of tv, we haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
God, I am so depressed about the strike... I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.
Posted by: Angela | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 02:39 PM
We have Tin Man on our DVR but haven't watched it yet. I'm glad to hear it's so good!
I make fun of my husband for watching Stargate Atlantis a lot. And then one time I was watching TV, and it switched over to tape Stargate Atlantis when Tim wasn't home and I just kinda let it go while I did stuff on the computer. Then he got home before the show was over and I made him leave me alone so I could finish watching without spoiling it for him. So, yeah. I get where you're coming from with the Highlander thing.
Posted by: Audrey | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 03:23 PM
BSG = Amazing!!!
Also, if you set aside a rainy / snowy Saturday and watched old school Star Trek episodes, you would be hooked. You don't have to tell anyone, but you would enjoy it.
Posted by: Laurel | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 03:39 PM
Oh yeah the writers strike has really ruined my TV watching....oh wait no it wasn’t that it was Comcast's complete INCOMPETENCE...but they 'promise to have it installed this Sunday...maybe I shouldn’t be complaining…6 months really isn’t that long to wait is it?
Posted by: lizzy | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 03:55 PM
I have never heard of Tin Man. I never hear of good TV shows, ever! Where do you people find out about these things?
I'll go Tivo it immediately :)
Posted by: elise | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 05:16 PM
Never heard of it. But I do make fun of Highlander myself. Hee.
Posted by: alyndabear | Monday, December 10, 2007 at 02:16 AM