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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Awww. FatMax. I love him.

I am also a card lover. I wanted to make ours this year, but I couldn't find the damn stamp I wanted. Dirty SOBs at Michael's and Joann's. Instead I spent the day Sunday writing adresses in a special font on the front of the envelopes. The husband thought I ran them through the printer if that gives you any perspective on how anal I am about them. I also don't send a single card that doesn't at least have a paragraph of hand written note in it. I absolutely find it frustrating to get a card that says Love, the Jones family.

I love cards of all colors, including purple!

I usually like writing Christmas cards, but this year I wish I'd ordered a photo card. I could have staged a photo of me holding my grad school acceptance and, like packing boxes marked "For Chicago, August 2008" instead of writing my plans down again and again!

Wait a minute. You only had to buy 1 box of cards? And you can't use them all? I am a scrooge and every year I refuse to buy more than 60 (photo) cards (which are like a buck a piece) so I whittle the list down, taking old people off and putting new people on. So I guess I understand writing a lot.

I'd love to hear how you feel about pre-printed address labels (not return address). Now THAT I can't stand!

I LOVE cards and all stationery as well. I could spend hours in Hallmark & have listed one of my dream jobs as "writer at Hallmark". This year, I we will send a photo card, but when I ordered them, I got the stationery cards so I can write a message on the back! I love it. It takes me so long to do our cards, but I really enjoy it.

I LOVE cards too. This year I decided to MAKE my own. What was I thinking? (I came in to work early this morning so I could use the color printer for my project! SHHHH!)

I would love a card from you. PLEASE!

I don't send out cards. I know, I'm a horrible person. But I don't care!

I lurve cards. I'll send one to you if you send one to me. My favorite one was from 2001 with the Blessed Virgin looking over her shoulder at Jesus, who had just walked in, leaving the door open with snow pouring in. And she's yelling, "Jesus Christ, were you born in a barn? Shut the damned door!"
My English teacher and her minister husband loved it.

I love to send cards! I used to make them by hand every year, but who has the time for that any more!? If you are still looking for takers, I would love one!

I'm sending you my mailing address.

Also, today's ICHC pic of the "I luvs mah blankit" is so cute I've had to look at it like five times.

Damn it, I spent about $18 on 20 cards. WTF!!!!

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