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Thursday, August 06, 2009


Oh, your photos are gorgeous! I DEVOURED them! I'm so glad it was all so wonderful. Now send me some vibes so I can push through this last month!

Congratulations on your wedding! Those photos are absolutely wonderful - it just reinforces the fact that professional photos are you wedding are a must - there are so many beautiful memories in those photos to take with you into married life!

Congrats! The pictures are amazing! Your dress is beautiful and I love the flower in your hair!


Why doesn't everyone play wedding croquet, I wonder?

You are absolutely beaaaauuuutiful and your wedding looks like it was amazing. Your photos...holycraptheyaresooooooooogood!! OMG! I love your wedding! You guys look so happy. Happy Newlywed Status!

On another note, how are you liking True Blood? Edgar got me the first season on DVD, but I don't have HBO, so I haven't seen any of Season 2 yet. Bill is no Edward and I kind of felt like I was cheating, but if I try not to compare the two, I really do like True Blood.

Congratulations! Those pictures are g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s!

CONGRATS! I love that photo!

Welcome back!

Hooray! Those pictures are gorgeous - I love your dress!

Swoon! Lovely pics. You missed: the Break-Up Post, yet another Lay Off, a spontaneous trip to Denver, and a new job...although not necessarily in that order.

Happy Married!


OMG...the one of him kissing you in the doorway......OMG. I love that one. Please blow it up and hang it in your bedroom. Can you send me back in time so I can have one like that??

Congratulations Mrs. Matt Damon!

HOORAY! We've missed you. I'll go look at the pics soon but first I have to ask, where did you end up going for your honeymoon?

Okay I'm back because I figured it out after looking at your amazing pictures. You went to CANADA! Can't wait to hear about it.

Also, you may have just had on of the prettiest weddings I have ever seen. And I have to agree with Erika that the kissing one in the doorway....HOT. But like, wedding hot, not porno hot. Though it does kind of have me all hot and bothered. Okay I'm done now. :)

Those are some great pictures! I love love love the croquet! And the WHBM dresses looked awesome.

You sound less stressed already, lady. I can't wait to hear all about it on Saturday! Get ready to be interrogated. :)

Ah! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear all the stories.

Beautiful, beautiful photos, my dear! I’m glad everything went so well. :)

Lovely! Congrats :) Hope you'll tell us about the honeymoon soon!

Congratulations! Love the photos...you look gorgeous! Hope you are enjoying married life. :)

It looks like the whole wedding was amazing and fun and you looked gorgeous! I bet it is so nice to be done with the planning and just be MARRIED. I can't wait for that time. 8 weeks and counting!

Congratulations! Your pictures are INSANE and PERFECT! I can't wait to see more! I'm so glad you're married--that means fewer days until Edward and Jacob and New Moon! I mean, I'm also happy that you're happy and in love and all of that too. Of course. :) But really? Edward! At least you have something else to fixate on if the post-wedding blues/post-wedding 'what did I ever do before I was engaged' feelings hit. So happy for you guys!

Your photos are gorgeous! I am not lying when I say I've looked at them seven times already. Does that make me a stalker? Seriously, gorgeous!

CONGRATULATIONS! Gorgeous pics, Mrs!

Jen, your pictures are simply amazing - you look like a celebrity!

We missed your face around here. :)

holy moley, those pictures are gorgeous. GORGEOUS. Congratulations!!

yay!! congratulations and you had a the most beautiful wedding!!!!!

i'm teary eyed :) in a good way!!!

I know I am so, sooooo late to this party, but I just had to tell you congratulations, even if it is more than a couple weeks late! It looks like it was such an amazing day, and I know you will love being married :)

Wedding croquet is the best thing ever. Sheer genius, I tell you! And the dress is heaven!

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