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Friday, September 11, 2009


Maybe Stephenie Meyer is telepathic and she somehow read the thoughts of Sookie...


But... Sam isn't a werewolf! He's just a shape shifter. Clearly Stephenie Meyer had never even HEARD of Sookie Stackhouse.

OK, right. Sam isn't a werewolf. But he sure seemed like it, with the
turning into a dog and all.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 2:10 PM, wrote:

I remember hearing that she "stole" her entire plot from Sookie. Oh well, I enjoy BOTH series, though I've only seen the first two episodes of True Blood.

And I don't know who this Boone character is but damn, he's hot.

Twilight strikes me as being like "True Blood Jr" - all of the vampires and the love, but less of the graphic sex scenes and violent murders. In any case, I love them both :) I'm about halfway through the first Sookie book myself and it's definitly growing on me.

I think that Twilight and the Sookie Stackhouse series are both good on their own. I love Sookie more I think b/c I'm a grownup :) But as soon as I read your post, it was hard to finish b/c Sam isn't a werewolf. He's a shifter. He can turn into any creature he likes whereas werewolves can only turn into wolves. Geesh! Get it right! :)

Glad to hear about Sookie Stackhouse having some serious sex scenes - now I can skip them with a clear conscience :) (Yes, I have guilt about not reading books).

Haha, I totally agree! There are a LOT of similarities, but I'm thrilled because I really wanted to like Twilight, but just didn't. So True Blood came along and swept me off my feet, doing everything that I wanted so badly for Twilight to do. Plus, I love dirty vampire sex ;)

And yes, based on the first episode of Vampire Diaries, I'm lovin' it!

Big hugs to you for today. That's all. x

I got my friend Holly into the vampire books. First she read the Twilight Series, then she got into True Blood (she read all of Harris' books too). She decided she would read the Vampire Diaries books and shortly thereafter she came into work in shock...she said that she is surprised Stephenie Myer didn't get in trouble for plagiarism!! She said the similarities were ridiculous! I couldn't believe it...!!!

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