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Thursday, November 19, 2009


This is awesome.

I bet the vodka helps the Morningstar Veggie Bites go down more easily though.

Holy cow. You are a hard core frontier lady, living off the LAND!

-R-: I take that to mean you'd like a pie. How about two pies? Available immediately!

Nothing But Bonfires: Yes, you're quite right. Now, how to disguise this nearly empty bottle in the work mini-fridge...

RA: Did I tell you I've also started unplugging the oven when not in use to save energy? The only difference between me and the Pilgrims is that I have Tivo.

Okay, this made me snort hot tea.

I love your new picture

You could always make pumpkin pancakes ... :)

Don't forget pumpkin chocolate cookies! (Or muffins!)

you can take the pumpkin bread and / or muffins to work. i know my co workers enjoyed our over abundance of pumpkin bread and muffins from our 4 giant pumpkins.

pumpkin pancakes are delicious as well. i made those too.

Throw away the sausages.

And where is your post about New Moon? I've checked in three times in the last two days and have been disappointed.

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