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Sunday, November 17, 2013


All of this. Yes. This. By Friday I will an external baby. I love Eleanor & worry about her. We cloth at day & disposable at night and it's the best. So yes. Yes. Yes.

That last photo of Hannah pushing Babby is adorable. And I can't help laughing, imagining the swing going back and bopping Hannah to the ground (and of course, not hurting her)

Totally agree with everything. Of course, I'm a polluting, disposable-diaper-using, non-exclusive pumped breast-milk for 7 months mom. So I guess I always felt this way - pre and post baby. But I'm of the mindset that you need to do whatever you can to survive those infant days and maybe, if you're really lucky, actually attempt to ENJOY them. It's hard, I know, but when we cut ourselves (and each other) some slack, it can be truly awesome.

And I'm right there with you on the baby #2 fears. I say, "Oh this will be our last Christmas as a family of 3." and then I kick myself for being sad about it because a) we get to have another baby and b) baby boy #2 will never know what it's like to be the first and only. So I get over it. Eventually. And then I forget and get all sad again.

Oh, man, I still have guilt about not sticking with the cloth diapers, but the disposables are so much easier! Mostly I feel guilty that my parents bought us 12 fuzzibunz as a gift and I feel bad for not using them longer. Maybe I'll try again with #2. Maybe not. We'll see.

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